"Outdoors Access 4 All!" Open House
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Saturday, October 29, 2022 10:00 am-noon
Lake Forest Open Lands Association 350 North Waukegan Road Lake Forest, IL 60045
Free, Please RSVP to slenz@lfola.org
Contact Information
Susan Lenz
847.234.3880 x12
Send Email
Please join Lake Forest Open Lands as we celebrate our partnership with Access Ability Wisconsin (AAW) as LFOLA becomes the first host location in Illinois for an all terrain outdoor wheelchair. We are proud to increase access for all in Lake Forest Open Lands’ preserves and the local community. Come and explore, test drive and ask questions about the AAW outdoor wheelchair and its all-terrain and tilt features. Enjoy some refreshments and see you on the trail!