Kiwanis Club of Lake Bluff & Lake Forest
About Us
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world ''One Child and One Community'' at a time. Our Club has been serving the local community since 1923.
There has always been a need for good fellowship and service. As far back as the beginning of time, there was a need for camaraderie and the desire to support communities. The history of Kiwanis and how it began is, in large part, the story of how fellowship and service developed within an organization. It is the special kind of service that Kiwanis offers and which today, crosses many national, cultural, and personal lines. Today, as in the early 1900s, Kiwanians demonstrate in many ways how they join together, understand, and help to solve the needs our communities face.
Volunteers may assists with out fundraising activities; such as, LB 4th of July Pancake Breakfast and Cookout, Breakfast with Santa, Candy Days and even Pond Hockey. Other opportunities include joining us on service projects like helping at Bernie’s Book Bank, Feed My Starving Children or at Reading Power.
Individuals over 18 are welcome to join and become active in our Club. Being a Kiwanis member can be rewarding in many ways. The greatest gift you could ever give yourself as a person is the gratification in knowing you are contributing your help, time, and efforts to people in and out of your community who are in dire need.
Come see what Kiwanis is all about. We hold dinner meetings the 1st and 3rd Thursday, 6:00pm at the Full Moon restaurant, 1300 N. Skokie Hwy (Rt. 41), Lake Bluff. Hope to see you there.